Hello! The buttons above are the chronological order of Planet Xaoc's lore chapters.
Planet Xaoc is an extension of ocularguts' work in progress passion project known as "Purgatoryo.EXE". The following chapters will be acquainting you with a snippet of the project's worldbuild, followed by a focus on Xaoc's story elements.
We would like to preface that it is entirely optional to apply the canon lore to your characters made within the world of Xaoc. You are allowed to make your own stories and alternate universes, so long as these do not advocate any illegal activity and discriminatory themes.
Additionally, we would like to note that all present lore images are in their thumbnail sketch stage that are planned to become paintings throuhgout the years to come.
That said, we hope you enjoy "Purgatoryo.EXE: Xaoc Infinitum". Thank you for reading!
The chaotic nature of the Universe is often attributed to happenstance. That all manner of being comes from the simple roll of cosmic dice, setting forth the cascade of events, leading to the creation of all that is known. However, a question that one might ponder over, is who rolls these dice of chance?
The origins of the endless, nebulous sea that makes up our worlds can be found at the universe’s very center from which all else expands. Dense with the life and energy that allows for the strings of fate to be woven and cut.
This epicenter is commonly known as Purgatory, a world which houses its denizens and their work that they tirelessly commit themselves to. It is here where the fruits of their labor uphold the foundation and the laws of the universe, ensuring its natural cycle of life and death. Souls are ushered here after death, to be cleansed and then given life anew to be born back into the cosmos.This is maintained by the watchful eyes of its guardians and inhabitants. The city itself is made up of an expansive archival system closely resembling that of a city entirely composed of office buildings which hold records of nearly every known event that has occurred in the universe.
The denizens of Purgatory also follow a strict hierarchy that allows for order and efficient maintenance of the natural cycle.
The beings that exist at the very top of this hierarchy are called Deities. It is not known exactly how many of these Deities exist, as some are much more affluent with their ability than others. They all exert their desires onto the universe, each having written their own law for various sectors.
They witness the cosmos from behind a veil, silent and distant, having little to no hand in the inner workings of Purgatory or how their doctrine is upheld. They instead bestow that responsibility to their most dedicated watchdog servants to enact their will for them.
Leviathans are exceedingly powerful beings crafted and imbued with the essence of the Deities themselves. They are loyal only to their respective Deities and live to serve only them. Unlike the Deities, Leviathans have a more direct role in Purgatory’s ceaseless work of maintaining the universe, acting as chief administrators of Purgatory’s offices.
In total, there are only eight Leviathans, all of which are siblings to one another. They uphold the written laws of their Deities as they personally see fit through their own interpretation. This often leads to disagreements and infighting among the siblings as they all interpret the written laws of their Deities differently. This is further exacerbated through the lack of supervision from the Deities on how orders are carried out or laws are upheld.
Though the Entities are children and offspring of the Deities, they fall below the ranking of the Leviathans. They typically do not maintain a meaningful relationship with their parent Deities. From whom an Entity comes from is often left unknown as well, as this information is rarely disclosed or has long since been forgotten over time.
Being the children of Deities, Entities harbor aspects of those unique powers, allowing them to create holy relics that are used by them and others to perform their duties with great efficiency. So when it comes to the labor found in Purgatory, Entities are known to be deeply involved in its systems. Not all Entities participate in Purgatory’s work force however, as few spend their time acting of their own volition.
Angels make up the majority of Purgatory’s inhabitants and workforce, acting under the authority of the eight Leviathans, or an Entity if one is delegated to a commanding role. Angels cover much of the labor done within Purgatory, ranging from research and archiving of doctrines to the capture and cleansing of souls. All of this is done through the aid of relics created by Entities.
Contrary to popular belief, a demon here is not a separate being from an Angel, rather the term “demon” is simply an insult toward delinquent Angels who are dismissive of their responsibilities or misuse the resources at their disposal for their own benefit or entertainment.
Last, but not the least, Mortals are beings who live among the stars and planets that are scattered throughout the universe. Very far from Purgatory, they are largely unaware of its existence and its influence on the universe as a whole. However, mortals have still witnessed aspects of Purgatory in their far flung corners of the universe through persistent search or complete accident.
Notably, wandering Entities can come in contact with these mortals and often heavily influence their culture after the fact. Otherwise, mortals are often left to their own devices. Upon their death, a mortal’s soul may take pilgrimage to Purgatory, where it is cleansed and released back into the universe.
A soul here is considered an essence born from a collection of memories, hopes, and desires that manifest within sentient living beings. If a soul is particularly powerful, they may be given the choice to become an Angel. Once they become an Angel, they can spend afterlife with the rest of Purgatory’s denizens.
Trouble in Purgatory
Despite the thorough organization and precious care that all inhabitants of Purgatory make, it is a place subject to the corruption of those renowned for their power and grandeur. Leviathans and Entities are prone to infighting and acts of passion, and the eight siblings that make up the Leviathans are more so than their counterparts.
Though they all share similar responsibilities, the way each of the Leviathan siblings interpret and act on their Deities’ will differs among each of them. This often leads to confrontations that can end in catastrophic results. Even when the Leviathans aren't fighting amongst themselves, their actions still do not go without consequences.
Entities are the only other beings that rival the Leviathans when it comes to their power and ability. Due to Deities lack of presence and direct control to their creations and with Leviathans being the next in line on the hierarchy, Entities make prime targets for particularly cruel Leviathans who wish to fulfill their selfish desires onto unsuspecting victims.
Some Leviathans hunt down wandering Entities who do not live within Purgatory, knowing that their missing presence will often go unnoticed.
These Entities’ fates end up reduced to mere trinkets, tools that empower the Leviathans similarly to the relics that empower the Angels. Some may go as far as feasting upon the flesh and blood of an Entity to earn the aspects of their abilities.
It is not uncommon for the Leviathan’s actions to have lasting impacts upon the rest of the universe, at times even threatening to throw the balance of the entire universe off, completely disrupting its cycle. Because of their status and authority, the fear instilled in the Entities and Angels by the Leviathans is often motivation enough to repair the damage caused in their wake.
The Hunt
One Leviathan is especially vicious in Her methods, so much so that to even speak Her name is to invite Her wrath upon the poor fool who dares to address Her directly. She once acted in tandem with the rest of purgatory, a strong and active force among its laborers. After thousands of years of the same ceaseless work however, She grew restless of what Her current life offered.
She worked Her underling Angels under oppressive conditions to increase the efficiency of Her department, hoping to impress the Deities She deeply admired. The Deities were as unmoving as ever and did not take particular notice of Her increased efforts. Believing that the fruits of Her labor were not great enough to earn Her notoriety, She sought to improve Herself through violent means instead.
She of all the Leviathans is responsible for the most destruction and bloodshed, consuming Entities and making them Her personal trinkets to rival the power of the Entities and even the Deities themselves.
She is cunning in Her actions, always seeking the children of Deities that were forgotten and wandering the cosmos outside of Purgatory. As the Leviathan accrued power She focused Her efforts onto more powerful Entities, inevitably causing Her path to cross with greatest of all Entities’ own.
The Entity of Reality
An Entity born of multidimensional Deities, whose understanding of the universe was rivaled by no other. Its depths and all facets of the fabric that has woven the cosmos together were intimately known to them. Time, matter, space, and even emotions were all malleable in the hands of the Entity of Reality. It is possible the Entity of Reality rivaled the Deities themselves in ability and influence.
Despite their importance in the existing cycle and structure of the universe, their existence was seen as a challenge to Her, the Leviathan. She sought to capture and claim the Entity’s very essence all for Herself. The Entity of Reality knew of this treachery that was to be enacted on them, as they could see through the veil of every possible reality across all of time and space.
Though the Entity was sufficiently powerful to defend themselves, they knew that all the Leviathans are endlessly persistent, and even to prevent their own death once would not cease the Leviathans’ efforts.
The Entity would devise a plan to avoid their violent fate and ensure a peaceful existence after. They sought the most remote and desolate reaches of the universe, and there they would lie in wait, collecting and harnessing as much energy as they could across the vast cosmic expanse.
When the Leviathan arrived after searching for them tirelessly, She would be the only other being to witness the Entity of Reality tear themselves apart before Her very eyes. Billions of pieces of the Entity were torn from themself and flung further into deeper reaches of the universe. She would call off the hunt, believing there was nothing left to claim.
The Aftermath
This allowed for all the energy that had dispersed upon being torn to reconverge upon the four nebulae, slowly increasing its density over thousands of years. The four nebulae would collapse upon one another after their density became too great, where it curiously formed a blackhole instead of a star.
This blackhole was unique and harbored strange properties that had never been seen before. It acts as a gateway to a self contained dimension. It can be seen by the naked eye and approached, however it is incorporeal to all who attempt to interact with it. Only fragments of the Entity of Reality that managed to escape the initial collapse are recognized by the anomaly, and allowed passage to the strange space beyond. Hidden within this miniature dimension are the most precious pieces of the Entity of Reality itself, coalesced into the newly formed planet named Xaoc.
Xaoc is the single major celestial body found within the miniature dimension beyond the black hole that was made from the Entity of Reality’s death and rebirth. The planet is where most of the torn pieces managed to find one another again, albeit the joined creation a very fragile and unstable representation of the great being that it once was before. The surface of the planet consists primarily of glasslike seas reflecting the chaotic sky around it.
The small crystallized stars that formed alongside the planet occasionally shower down onto its surface, often becoming damaged by the violent cascade. Though the greatest of Xaoc’s spectacles is perhaps its woven tapestry of all realities, converging together every existence and revealing all their splendor in brief yet awe inspiring glimpses. All manner of objects, timelines, and even the most abstract of concepts can bleed into Xaoc, creating sights that would confound most mortals who are not used to peering beyond the veil of their world around them.
However, even in the heart of the beautiful chaos, some semblance of order can be found. A small cluster of landmasses found in the glass ocean supplied a sufficient place for life to arise from the proverbial ashes of their predecessor. Four unique species, all inheriting an aspect of their Entity, and wielding those aspects to cultivate and tame the land they were born from. Though much of the planet is still nearly inhabitable, these four groups were able to work together to create prosperous societies, creating homes for all those who descended from the once great Entity of Reality.
The Remnants of Xaoc
As previously mentioned in the Origins chapter, the Entity of Reality had an cataclysmic outburst in an attempt to escape from a viciously cruel Leviathan. This explosion has resulted in it being fractured into four great nebulae.
Each nebulae holds millions of glassy stars. Some glassy stars went through metamorphosis and formed the four cosmic species that make up the population of Xaoc. These four cosmic species are called Xaeconians, Xopas, Xulap and Xatli.
However, not all who successfully metamorphosed into one of the species find their way to the home planet, Xaoc. Some are shot so far off that they end up growing in other galaxies. Some even discover the planet of Xaoc thousands of years later, only discovering it out of rumor or seeking it out by personal choice.
Despite these four species having many differences when it comes to appearance and abilities, they all share a common goal: to continuously work on maintaining the balance in multiple timelines and realities.
Unfortunately, not all of the glassy stars metamorphosed successfully as one of the four cosmic species. Some turn into catastrophic cosmic monsters that devour multiverses and cause horror to mortals through supernatural troubles that they cannot handle nor understand.
This makes planet Xaoc not only a home for the four main species, but also a central hub for discussing how to properly mitigate issues caused by their destructive counterparts.
The Xaeco, Xulap Xopas, and Xatli do not hunt nor intend to harm these creatures once found. Instead, they aim towards redirecting them back to their home planet Xaoc. Many of these cosmic monsters that arrive in Xaoc are greatly taken care of and are rehabilitated. They may also request them to join in on missions across time and space if they are willing.
The Anatomy of the Xaoc Species
Xaeconians, Xopas, Xulap and Xatli are the four major species born from the great nebulae originating from the Entity of Reality. These four species are able to control aspects of Emotions, Time, Matter, and Space to a limited degree and are not up to par to the original Entity of Reality’s capabilities. They also do not have the ability to bend reality to a permanent nor damaging degree.
Despite having special abilities, Planet Xaoc uphold laws that disapprove any direct engagement with mortals out of fear that they might be captured or forced to reveal their abilities for selfish reasons.
Abilities aside, all species of Xaoc vary greatly from one another in physical appearances. They also do not have a skeletal system. However, they do share a common substance: having cosmic blood. It allows them to become natural shapeshifters, and are able to transform to an alternate form that pushes the limits of their physical capabilities for a limited time.
This cosmic blood has the ability to mimic organs in order to help them adapt depending on the atmospheric conditions of the planet they are currently in. However, they only use a fraction of this fluid’s abilities at a time. This is because extreme overuse of such may lead to permanent bodily damages or even death.
The Xaeconians
In no particular order, the first major species of Planet Xaoc are the Xaeconians, or “Xaeco'' for short. They inherited some of the Entity of Reality’s powers to regarding emotions. This includes others relating to it, such as dreams, hopes, desires, and so on.
They do not possess the ability to manipulate emotions or force an individual to feel a certain way, but instead, they are able to draw out memories an individual has strong emotional attachments to. They often use this ability to help others to calmly navigate their emotions in a healthy and safe manner, or to assist in de-escalating high stress situations.
However, they can only use this ability in a limited space, if the target individual is not within a reasonable distance or someone they are not acquainted with, it is nearly impossible for the individual to be affected by this ability. Overuse of this ability can also bring vicious migraines and nausea to a Xaeconian.
Xaeconians look like anthropomorphic alien rabbits in their regular form. They are known for their furry vests and ability to produce extra appendages from their shape shifting blood when solidified. These aforementioned appendages come in nearly limitless forms- hooks, lassos, fins, plane-like spoilers, handy tools, and so on.
Aside from their usual anthropomorphic alien rabbit form, they are also able to mutate their body and are able to be in a “Parasite Form” for a limited time. In this state, their appearance becomes monstrous. They are able to sprout extra eyes, teeth, limbs, and other body parts.
In their Parasite form, Xaeconians have an access to excess strength and speed that they do not have in their regular forms. This allows them to do extreme feats of physical strength and agility. Xaeconians in the field use their Parasite Form in carrying out rescue and research missions, but their Parasite form is also used in some parts of the sports and the entertainment industry. However, it is highly suggested to train with professionals in designated facilities before using it to avoid any unwanted bodily damages and complications.
The Xopas
The second major species of Xaoc, are the Xopas. They are beings with powers that could access multiverses and timelines. However, they cannot alter or destroy any timelines or multiverse, they simply hop on to differing timelines to carry tasks that are often for historical archival reasons or scoping out cosmic monsters from varied instances of the past, present, and future.
The Xopas have a tough but malleable shell that covers them. This shell is contains their fantastical shapeshifting jelly-like fluid, which essentially is a Xopas' cosmic blood. "Pulp Form" is referred to a state which a Xopas appears as a tiny creature aimlessly floating in midair and have its jelly completely tucked away. They often use this form when at rest and repleneshing their cosmic blood.
Once awakened, they outstretch into a bidepal form and release their jelly to make a variety of distinct shapes that serve as limbs for everyday use.Due to a Xopas' ability to jump from timeline to timeline, it can be quite confusing to pinpoint where they first come from. The timeline where a Xopas blinks awake into a living sentient being (after the Entity of Reality's cosmic outburst and before any sort of multiverse hopping) is considered their “main'' timeline.
When jumping timelines, Xopas must enveloped their entire shell in their cosmic blood. Over time, this protective jelly thins out. It is important to return to their main timeline before the jelly completely leaves their body. If they run out of blood jelly they are essentially trapped in the timeline they traveled to.
Prolonged stay at a timeline outside their main one can be considered a death sentence to a poor lost Xopas. After timeline travelling, depending of the length of the venture, a Xopas usually take weeks to years of rest in order to replenish back the cosmic jelly blood they’ve lost.
The Xulap
A Xulap appears to look like a ghostly aquatic creature. Around them are floating particles that look like torn pieces from their body. It is futile to attempt touching them, as doing so will only make the individual phase through a Xulap. They are essentially hollow, and typically float in midair.
Many fellow Xaoc inhabitants need to remain hidden during missions to fix broken multiverses. To avoid the possible complications of being discovered by mortals, having a Xulap to tag along greatly increases their chances of visual secrecy.
A Xulap has two forms: their regular form and their “Phantom Form”. In their phantom form, they become shadows with a constellation-esque design on its surface. The area a Xulap may cover is often quadrupled its original size when using its abilities. Their phantom form size can grow even bigger through dedicated training.
Anyone within this shadow can remain hidden in plain sight. Xulaps could also conceal any sound made within their shadow’s scope, as well as allowing individuals, who are within the scope of their shadow, to phase through matter.
Despite these amazing abilities, they can only use this if they are focused. If they are disrupted and their focus lapses, all their abilities will retract immediately. A single drop of distraction can cause an entire mission to fail once the Xulap accidentally reveals their entire party to an unsuspecting passerby.
The Xatli
Last, but not the least, are the Xatli. These beings have the amazing ability of long-term spacefaring. They also hold a small pocket dimension within their wings.
The Xatli have an anthropomorphic draconic look, with wings akin to a poncho when at rest. Above their head is a floating elemental imagery that when absorbed, allows them to transform into what is known as a “Portal Form”. In this form, they turn into massive creatures that are able to travel at unimaginable speeds through the cosmos using their expansive wings.
The floating elemental imagery above their head is commonly referred to as a “scene”. A scene often reflects something of great personal interest to a Xatli. It is made out of intangible particles, and one’s hands will only phase through at contact.
A Xatli is often the designated driver in missions carried out by the species of Xaoc. Their wings can expand multitudes of sizes larger than their main body, both in their regular and portal form. Besides that, they also have a miniscule pocket dimension within their wings that allows them to store and easily draw out a limited amount of weapons or items of importance to themselves, and/or the crew they are traveling with.
This section is a work in progress. More info to be announced.