MYO Approvals

Created: 11 June 2023, 19:19:02 EDT
Last updated: 10 October 2023, 00:19:37 EDT



🌺 MYO Approvals refer to the usage of a MYO slot you own, and submitting a request for an admin to approve it.

🌺 You are only allowed to use traits that indicate what your MYO slot has. For more info, please read MYO INFO under the CREATE menu.

🌺 For more information, please thoroughly read the guides below:




🌺 To get started, go to your character's masterlist entry and click SUBMIT MYO DESIGN. Afterwards, click on CREATE REQUEST to generate a design draft. You will then be presented by the following tabs to fill out:

  • COMMENTS - Please include include ALL of the TRAITS and RARITIES you have used. You may also add extra information you want the staff to know.

  • MASTERLIST IMAGE - Here you will upload your new design image and use the cropper tool. You will then be asked to fill out credits. Use the DESIGNER box if they have an account-onsite. Use the DESIGNER URL box if they are not on-site. Filling out the ART TYPE boxes is optional and is best for collaborative works.

  • ADD-ONS - Here you will include items you have used in your inventory. If there is none, don't select anything and simply click the SAVE button.

  • TRAITS - Here you will be able to edit the traits of your character to reflect the design you made. You may type onto the boxes to quick search. Click the X to delete a trait.

🌺 For the RARITY dropdown, simply choose the highest rarity trait that your character design has.

🌺 For the TRANSFORMATION dropdown, please select FULL FORM if the power form is included. Please select BASE FORM if it is only the base form. Do not use LEGACY.

🌺 Once all the red X mark are now green O marks, you may go back to the STATUS menu and click on SUBMIT REQUEST.

🌺 Please be open to corrections. Remember that requests may be denied and returned back to you if they do not pass (it will have staff comments to help you out). It should take about a week maximum for an admin to process requests.




🌺 Please keep in mind that your art and designs should not disrespect nor harm pre-existing characters, property, copyrighted media, cultures, and persons. Strictly no real life person referencing, bigoted, military/cop propaganda, or hateful basis for designs.

🌺 You are allowed to use original characters that you have designed AND presently own yourself as a mild inspiration, but please make sure they are not too similar to the point of being mistaken as a duplicate! We do not allow heavy referencing on Planet Xaoc. These must also be locked together in your possession, and all future transfers.



🌺 You are allowed to commission an artist to design your MYO slot, as long as they follow the design guidelines and are open to potential corrections along the way. Official artistic contributors on Planet Xaoc may also offer designing services found under the contact tab.

🌺 You are welcome to request an admin to cancel your submitted and unprocessed MYO design requests anytime. Simply contact us on our on-site helpdesk or the staff account @PlanetXaoc on discord and provide the request number. We will hand you back the draft.