Comments on MYO Event 2023

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ocularguts's Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

Hello, awesome design! :] The only thing I cannot pass for traits here is the Anomaly: Collide (Color Shifting) trait, as an additional alt palette must be visible on the masterlist image itself. This can be done by copy-pasting your fullbody and hueshifting it, or adding additional markings to said 2nd fullbody! Something that shows this trait is being used (and you're welcome to redesign/add more palettes in the future).

Other than that, everything looks okay! Would you like me to proceed with uploading nonetheless?

2023-11-07 16:28:41


HI SORRY thats my bad i forgot to do that; would something like this work?

2023-11-07 16:57:16

ocularguts's Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

No worries at all, and this looks perfect! <3 Approved & Uploaded: ! :3

2023-11-07 17:09:40


THANK YOU so much :D

2023-11-07 17:11:28