Comments on MYO Event 2023

crowbobot's Avatar

Image link:

Species: xoac

Rarity & Traits used:
(a) flat face
(c) regular ears
(M) absent furvest
(c) regular tail
(s) basilisk
(m) odd feet
(a) xaoc infinitum

Link of artist/credits: all by me

Shared on:

2023-11-12 23:30:04

ocularguts's Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

Hello! Your traits are correct, however, the only edit we would like to request is the missing window line through the chest and/or face. As seen from: - Once this is added, we can approve your submission. Thank you!

Your comment has been made before the deadline, so if ever that you see this after the deadline, there is no worries! You may still send us an updated image link and we will still progress with approving your submission. :]

2023-11-12 23:44:20

crowbobot's Avatar
my bad! i made it subtle as to not clutter the complex markings on my design, but I'm not sure if it's okay for it to be only visible on the face/neck, lmk !

2023-11-13 11:13:34

Admin's Avatar
Admin Staff Member

Thank you, this should suffice! Also added (S) Embedded Objects for the headgear, besides that, Approved & Uploaded: ! :-)

2023-11-14 13:38:40