Comments on [Open] Brain Worms and Self-Love

Admin's Avatar
Admin Staff Member

Reply here to bid for Xaeco #233 - Don't Look at ME

Thumbnail of Xaeco-233

Starting Bid: 50 USD
Minimum Increment: 5 USD
Autobuy: 150 USD

Ends 24 hours after the last bid!

2024-06-14 02:14:46

lichcrow's Avatar

Hello! I'd like to offer $50, and I'd be buying the character for <a href="" class="display-user" style=""><i class="fas fa-seedling mr-1" style="opacity: 50%;"></i>Twin</a> if I get them :>

2024-09-03 00:14:57

Isabirdart's Avatar

Hi! Thank you for grabbing this guy. You can DM me on discord <a href="" class="display-user" style=""><i class="fas fa-user mr-1" style="opacity: 50%;"></i>Isabirdart</a> with your paypal email and I'll send over the invoice!

2024-09-04 09:52:36

Admin's Avatar
Admin Staff Member

Hello, sure thing and congratulations! You won, thank you and Twin for the interest. ^_^ We have informed the guest artist and you will receive a message once available.

2024-09-04 04:24:56