Comments on MYO Event 2023

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ocularguts's Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

Heya! Absolutely lovely design, everything seems perfect! :-) I think my only concern is the trait list, where there is floating parts in your comment but not in the image text list, nor the design. I will also remove (C) Typical Tail just to avoid redundancy, since you've already got Multiple Tails. 👍

Overall though, no problems with the design! Just thought I'd ask first if you want me to proceed nonetheless, re: removal of floating parts trait in the list. Unless you want to update your image link first?

Feel free to ask for clarifications if there are any! :-)

2023-10-19 13:11:51

RigbyScar's Avatar

Oh darn, I forgot to remove the floating parts trait, I didn't end up using it. Oh quick question, in the traits list, as far as I understand, with the Elemental Anomaly you are able to use more than one element correct?

2023-10-19 13:57:47

ocularguts's Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

Yup, using multiple materials within the anomaly: elemental trait is allowed! :-) 👍

2023-10-19 17:32:28

RigbyScar's Avatar

Thanks!! And here is the updated image link:

2023-10-19 17:44:53

ocularguts's Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

Approved & Uploaded: ! :-) I just did a very small edit on the image to note Multiple Tails are Rare instead of originally text noted as Uncommon (since we don't have an uncommon rarity in Planet Xaoc).

2023-10-19 18:22:59