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CaptainTigglesworth Avatar

Hi! I recall when the site first opened being notified of changes that needed to be made to my Xaeco design(s?) but I can't find that information anywhere? I recall this being one of them: Thumbnail of Xaeco-016: Resprerro

I can't remember if any of my other older ones needed updates, or what the updates I need to make are xD

2023-11-29 14:19:15

ocularguts Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

Hello! :] Oh gosh yeah, I do recall leaving a note for this design in particular! It was something about the parasite form's ears not matching the base form, but overtime we made Rare: Multiple Ears (which is a different trait) to being 3 or more pairs! Since yours had Common: Regular Ears which allows a maximum of 2 pairs, then this trait info update rendered the previous note no longer necessary. So there's no problem for this design, and your other fellas as well! :3

2023-11-29 15:30:21

CaptainTigglesworth Avatar

Okay, got it! I forgot about that trait update lol. Thank you for the quick response :)

2023-11-29 16:03:56

ocularguts Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

This is a test comment for help desk. ^_^

2023-09-16 18:29:32

Admin Avatar
Admin Staff Member

This is a test response to a help desk comment.

2023-09-16 18:30:08

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