

Xatli (Species)

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Species: Xatli

The Xatli are beings with the amazing ability of long-term spacefaring. They also hold a small pocket dimension within their wings.

The Xatli have an anthropomorphic draconic look, with wings akin to a poncho when at rest. Above their head is a floating elemental imagery that when absorbed, allows them to transform into what is known as a “Portal Form”. In this form, they turn into massive creatures that are able to travel at unimaginable speeds through the cosmos using their expansive wings.

The floating elemental imagery above their head is commonly referred to as a “scene”. A scene often reflects something of great personal interest to a Xatli. It is made out of intangible particles, and one’s hands will only phase through at contact.

A Xatli is often the designated driver in missions carried out by the species of Xaoc. Their wings can expand multitudes of sizes larger than their main body, both in their regular and portal form. Besides that, they also have a miniscule pocket dimension within their wings that allows them to store and easily draw out a limited amount of weapons or items of importance to themselves, and/or the crew they are traveling with.

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