

Xaeco (Species)

Category: Category
Species: Xaeco

One of the major species of Planet Xaoc are the Xaeconians, or “Xaeco'' for short. They inherited some of the Entity of Reality’s powers to regarding emotions. This includes others relating to it, such as dreams, hopes, desires, and so on.

They do not possess the ability to manipulate emotions or force an individual to feel a certain way, but instead, they are able to draw out memories an individual has strong emotional attachments to. They often use this ability to help others to calmly navigate their emotions in a healthy and safe manner, or to assist in de-escalating high stress situations.

However, they can only use this ability in a limited space, if the target individual is not within a reasonable distance or someone they are not acquainted with, it is nearly impossible for the individual to be affected by this ability. Overuse of this ability can also bring vicious migraines and nausea to a Xaeconian.

Xaeconians look like anthropomorphic alien rabbits in their regular form. They are known for their furry vests and ability to produce extra appendages from their shape shifting blood when solidified. These aforementioned appendages come in nearly limitless forms- hooks, lassos, fins, plane-like spoilers, handy tools, and so on.

Aside from their usual anthropomorphic alien rabbit form, they are also able to mutate their body and are able to be in a “Parasite Form” for a limited time. In this state, their appearance becomes monstrous. They are able to sprout extra eyes, teeth, limbs, and other body parts.In their Parasite form, Xaeconians have an access to excess strength and speed that they do not have in their regular forms. This allows them to do extreme feats of physical strength and agility.

Xaeconians in the field use their Parasite Form in carrying out rescue and research missions, but their Parasite form is also used in some parts of the sports and the entertainment industry. However, it is highly suggested to train with professionals in designated facilities before using it to avoid any unwanted bodily damages and complications.

NPC (Lore)

Category: Category

Designs with this trait are considered a Non-Playable Character. The owner is still allowed to use them in ARPG prompts that are general; such as gift or personality themed! However, this character cannot participate in ARPG prompts that are heavily story-driven due to having a canonical appearance in Planet Xaoc's history.


Xulap (Species)

Category: Category
Species: Xulap

The Xulap are beings with the fantastical ability to phase through matter of any kind. They are able to share these abilities (if they choose to) with others once in contact. With great training, some are known to manipulate aspects of matter as well; being able to adjust atmospheres and landscapes to their will.

A Xulap appears to look like a ghostly aquatic creature. Around them are floating particles that look like torn pieces from their body. It is futile to attempt touching them, as doing so will only make the individual phase through a Xulap. They are essentially hollow, and typically float in midair.

Many fellow Xaoc inhabitants need to remain hidden during missions to fix broken multiverses. To avoid the possible complications of being discovered by mortals, having a Xulap to tag along greatly increases their chances of visual secrecy.

A Xulap has two forms: their regular form and their “Phantom Form”. In their phantom form, they become shadows with a constellation-esque design on its surface. The area a Xulap may cover is often quadrupled its original size when using its abilities. Their phantom form size can grow even bigger through dedicated training.

Anyone within this shadow can remain hidden in plain sight. Xulaps could also conceal any sound made within their shadow’s scope, as well as allowing individuals, who are within the scope of their shadow, to phase through matter.

Despite these amazing abilities, they can only use this if they are focused. If they are disrupted and their focus lapses, all their abilities will retract immediately. A single drop of distraction can cause an entire mission to fail once the Xulap accidentally reveals their entire party to an unsuspecting passerby.


Xopas (Species)

Category: Category
Species: Xopas

The Xopas are beings with powers that could access multiverses and timelines. however, they cannot alter or destroy any timelines or multiverse, they simply hop on to differing timelines to carry tasks that are often for historical archival reasons or scoping out cosmic monsters from varied instances of the past, present, and future.

The Xopas have a tough but malleable shell that covers them. This shell contains their fantastical shapeshifting jelly-like fluid, which essentially is a Xopas' cosmic blood. "Pulp Form" is referred to a state which a Xopas appears as a tiny creature aimlessly floating in midair and have its jelly completely tucked away. They often use this form when at rest and repleneshing their cosmic blood.

Once awakened, they outstretch into a bidepal form and release their jelly to make a variety of distinct shapes that serve as limbs for everyday use.Due to a Xopas' ability to jump from timeline to timeline, it can be quite confusing to pinpoint where they first come from. The timeline where a Xopas blinks awake into a living sentient being (after the Entity of Reality's cosmic outburst and before any sort of multiverse hopping) is considered their “main'' timeline.

When jumping timelines, Xopas must enveloped their entire shell in their cosmic blood. Over time, this protective jelly thins out. It is important to return to their main timeline before the jelly completely leaves their body. If they run out of blood jelly they are essentially trapped in the timeline they traveled to.

Prolonged stay at a timeline outside their main one can be considered a death sentence to a poor lost Xopas. After timeline travelling, depending of the length of the venture, a Xopas usually take weeks to years of rest in order to replenish back the cosmic jelly blood they’ve lost.


Xatli (Species)

Category: Category
Species: Xatli

The Xatli are beings with the amazing ability of long-term spacefaring. They also hold a small pocket dimension within their wings.

The Xatli have an anthropomorphic draconic look, with wings akin to a poncho when at rest. Above their head is a floating elemental imagery that when absorbed, allows them to transform into what is known as a “Portal Form”. In this form, they turn into massive creatures that are able to travel at unimaginable speeds through the cosmos using their expansive wings.

The floating elemental imagery above their head is commonly referred to as a “scene”. A scene often reflects something of great personal interest to a Xatli. It is made out of intangible particles, and one’s hands will only phase through at contact.

A Xatli is often the designated driver in missions carried out by the species of Xaoc. Their wings can expand multitudes of sizes larger than their main body, both in their regular and portal form. Besides that, they also have a miniscule pocket dimension within their wings that allows them to store and easily draw out a limited amount of weapons or items of importance to themselves, and/or the crew they are traveling with.

Amalgamate (Anomaly)

Category: Anomalous
  • This trait is a work in progress, it is not open for use at the moment but will be in the future!
  • The character is unable to switch between their power forms, and are stuck mid-morph.

Anomaly (Lore)

Category: Anomalous

This character has special traits (noted within parentheses) that are lore-specific. This is only available to Non-Playable Characters as part of an important canon event in Planet Xaoc's overall story or ARPG events in the past.

Xaoc Infinitum

Xaoc Infinitum (Anomaly)

Category: Anomalous
  • The individual is considered a master of what canon abilities they have. You can read more about abilities in the lore menu, found within the story's species chapter.
  • Characters with this trait have all their eyes, jelly, or sockets (via the hollow trait) presented in the masterlist image to be permanently glowing. This can also be stylized to have a beam, trail, or gaseous aura of light. This must be evident in the masterlist image and cannot be turned off.
  • The color of the glow must be light/pale or saturated in some way. Usage of evidently darker hues may fall under the Anomaly: Elemental trait (such as shadow or darkness), or a different trait entirely depending on how it is drawn.

Compact (Anomaly)

Category: Anomalous
Species: Xulap
  • The Xulap does not have a ghostly body, lacks any levitating "ripped" bodily pieces, and they cannot phase through walls nor hide in shadows. However, having such a strong and solid organic form will not cause any distortions to it's body when traversing Mournfell Shards' islands or multidimensional hopping.
  • In the masterlist image, they can still have the phantom form but it is now merely a cosmetic lore-wise! The most this can do is camofladge when traveling the vast outer space, or the darkness of the night.
  • Xulaps with this physical trait are often Xaoc's frontlines in mitigating the decay that leaks from the aforementioned islands, filled with rapidly growing rot and multidimensional toxins.

Elemental (Anomaly)

Category: Anomalous
  • The character is partially or primarily made out of a specific material (and may replace the body part entirely), caused by the starborn species crashing into such during its development. The intense and/or prolonged exposure grants immunity to said material.

  • Please make sure to list what elemental material you are using so admin can add it to the traits list properly! And refrain from using overpowered abstract concepts such as Reality, Distortion, Time, Matter, Emotions, Life and Death.
  • Examples of allowed materials can be fire, electricity, water, fluids, slime, goo, chemicals, toxins, poison, gas, cloud, dust, air, light, shadow, plants, flowers, fungus, mushrooms, wood, sand, oil, gold, silver, plush, cloth, glass, plastic, metal, wires, paper, devices, object-specific, glitch, static, ghost, nebula, meat, blood, decay, and similar others. There is no limit to the amount of elemental materials you may apply to your character.
  • Material parts directly attached to the body (that resemble an aid to a missing limb of a character) do not count. Those are considered to be prosthetics and are not traited/free.

Collide (Anomaly)

Category: Anomalous
  • The individual has collided and merged with another same starborn Xaoc species in its wake.
  • This trait allows you to do one or more of the following: color shifting, additional alternate palettes, and additional forms. You can choose one or multiple of these effects (no limits). This must be shown via an additional fullbody (copy-pasting is fine) on the masterlist image itself.
  • For Alt Palettes/Colorshifting: The markings of the character is able to change colors and/or the overall body is able to switch between a variety of palettes and markings. If you want the markings to only move around (no color change), you would need the Sacred: Shifting Markings trait.
  • Morphing: Besides the base and/or power form, your character is able to have additional physical versions of themself. There are changes to your character's body size, amount of eyes & limbs/wings [within trait range], or hair & fur length.
  • Please remember that you must use the same species and general motif when designing every additional alt color or form, so that they are still recognizeable. Each additional form may use a variety of traits (does not have to be all), as long as its officially noted in the masterlist.
Crowded Wings

Crowded Wings (Sacred)

Category: Skills
  • This trait is only applicable to Xaeco, Xatli, or Xulap.
  • For Xatli: This trait allows any amount of small furred or feathery wings generated only on the arms, legs, or tails. This can also replace the ears. However, this should never replace the mandatory and correct poncho wing anatomy.
  • For Xaeco: This trait allows functional wing growth anywhere and any amount on the body, and it must be furred. This can also replace the ears. Temporary blood wings generated from their bodily slits do not count as that is a basic species function.
  • For Xulap: This trait allows wings to be generated anywhere on the body, and texture must be the same as what the body's trait has. This should not replace fins.
  • If you would like your wings to have a bat or wyvern-like design, you would need the Sacred: Basilisk trait.

Spikes (Sacred)

Category: Skills
  • This trait only applies to Xaeco, Xatli, and Xulap characters.
  • Any amount of spikes can be placed on its head, neck, torso, shoulders, limbs, and/or tails.
  • For Xatli specifically, spikes are not allowed anywhere above the eyebrow area! This is to avoid confusion with horn traits.
  • This trait originates from practicing shape-shifting abilities via solidifying their cosmic blood in small portions.
  • They can be mandible-like, wavy, curled, or straight upright in form. The tip can be blunted or sharp.

Chassis Mimicry (Sacred)

Category: Skills
  • This trait is used for characters that have exposed bone in design (through solidified blood, jelly, crystalization, etc) and maintains it to a near permanent degree.
  • The individual is able to produce (shapeshift) pseudo-organs that are astonishingly anatomically accurate, and with ease.
  • An example of this is having a skeletal system that is colored and drawn with details accurately to a human or animal (Note: specifically from real Earth species as a reference).
Floating Parts

Floating Parts (Sacred)

Category: Skills
  • This specific Sacred Trait only applies to Xaeconians or Xatli.
  • The individual's varying body parts (such as limbs, eyeballs, head, etc.) could be detached and levitating.
  • These floating parts could naturally separate and re-connect, there is no scarring that indicates a severance throughout the process.
  • This trait can also be used for pieces of an object floating and astray from the Sacred: Embedded Object trait.

Shifting Markings (Sacred)

Category: Skills
  • Markings on the individual's body are highly animated or could change locations on the skin.
  • It can be controlled or involuntary (like an emotional response).
  • These markings are not fullbody and do not disappear/re-appear. They must always be present somewhere.
  • These markings must always have the same color and do not hueshift. If you would like colorshifting/alt palettes, you need the Anomaly: Collide trait.
Crowded Scene

Crowded Scene (Sacred)

Category: Skills
Species: Xatli
  • The Xatli has four or more Scenes in total.
  • This is a trait only for the count itself, please note that each Scene's design still has its own rarity.
  • The count depends on what the design's themes are and how it is handled, an admin will have final say. For example, a Mythical: Cosmic Scene has multiple figures (galactic dust, lines and stars) to make up its visual, but a Mythical: Cosmic Scene is still counted as one Scene only.
Kite Wings

Kite Wings (Sacred)

Category: Skills
Species: Xatli
  • The Xatli's wings resemble a flat and smooth poncho cloak that connects at the collar bones.
  • These wings can be singular or multiple. Its surface area (overall size) can be of any length.
  • With this trait, the Xatli is able to freely morph their wings to have a variety of intricate holes.
  • These decorative windows can be static or constantly changing.
Colossal Jelly

Colossal Jelly (Sacred)

Category: Skills
Species: Xopas
  • This Xopas has nearly an endless source of jelly learned from intensive training.
  • This is often noted when the overall mass is quadruple the size than its pulp body [or larger].
  • Since this trait is primarily a voluntary skill, it is optional to show in the masterlist image.

Mouth Veil (Sacred)

Category: Skills
Species: Xulap
  • The Xulap has the ability to hide their mouth entirely. This skill can be toggled.
132 results found.