Xatli-148: Hatsunari

Owned by Xialthia
10 November 2023, 11:31:27 EST

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No additional notes given.

Nicknames/Titles: Hatsu, The Nebulous Whisper

Pronouns: They/Them, He/Him

Origins: A solar system far away from Xaoc that is devoid of life.

Awareness of Xaoc: Null/Distant pulls of feeling

Personality: Cold and observing. Hatsu is an enjoyer of the quiet and desolate. Even when traveling to a distant world inhabited by nature, he stays clear of sapients to study cascades of water, growing plant life, multiplying micro organisms, and exhausts of gas deposits. In the rare instances of being around sapient life, he contorts and hides to remain but a shadow of distant shapes easily dismissed as mind trickery. He considers himself a scholar of life in the multicosm.

Hobbies: Standing, Staring, Wandering, Watching, Staying still for a very long time.

Likes: Most things.

Dislikes: Space Debris, Molting, Digestive juices, Things that get in his mouth.

Handedness: Left

Other Mundane Data: Haha no ears how he hears wen gots no ears

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