
Created: 22 July 2023, 08:28:53 EDT
Last updated: 23 September 2023, 22:32:56 EDT


The planet of Xaoc is found within an enigmatic blackhole that serves as an entrance to a small pocket dimension. Xaoc mostly consists of reflective glassy waters that seem to glister tantalizingly, almost as if it is beckoning the watcher to touch and be hypnotized towards drowning in its depths.

The alluring seas aside, you’ll find thousands of miniscule pieces that appear as glowing shards within its skies. These shards are remnants of the once great Entity of Reality. All of these fragments decorate its chaotic heavens, aimlessly revolving around the planet that serves as its inhabitants’ light source. Occasionally, these shards fall down to the lands populated by the inhabitants of Xaoc.

The aforementioned lands are actually a small collection of islands in the center of Xaoc. Some islands which are affected by the pocket dimension’s distortion of reality, float and sit among the skies. While others rest peacefully on calm waters. Both floating and water bound islands are home to the Xaeco, Xopas, Xulap, and Xatli.

Presently, there are three main areas found on Planet Xaoc.



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The Royal Hives are a collection of islands (both floating and not) that are known for its hundreds of shiny buildings of varying shapes and sizes. These pristine structures serve as homes to Xaoc’s inhabitants and creatures.

Aside from the residential spots, there are also numerous local markets, training grounds, and recreational areas that provide entertainment and hold sport festivals found within the heart of the Royal Hives.



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Mirror Floods are a collection of accessible bodies of water found on the planet of Xaoc. These waters come from a variety of falls, lakes, rivers, and beaches. They all cycle and flow through the ridges of Xaoc’s habitable islands. They have special properties that may allow individuals to access locations that directly lead to mutated creatures (besides the four species) that were once a part of the Entity of Reality.

Multidimensional travel through these waters are not always possible, but by studious observation of the waters’ physical appearance and inherent qualities, some researchers have discovered when and where specific hotspots are optimal for travel to take place. Mysteriously, these waters often pinpoint locations that are terrorized by creatures causing planetary catastrophes. This locations often requires immediate attention from the inhabitants of Xaoc for repair.

With the help of these strange pools, the inhabitants are able to easily carry out their missions locally, without having to resort to tediously venturing out into the unending expanse of the universe in search of dimensions in need of fixing.



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The last location is Mournfell Shards. These are far off islands that are deemed uninhabitable. These islands, fortunately, are an extensive distance away from the Royal Hives. However, in comparison to the livable mainland islands, they are several sizes larger in mass and surface area.

Shards fall here frequently, akin to a downpour of toxic meteorites. Because of this, many of the lands are jagged and uneven due to the constant erosion. It is nearly impossible to navigate within the lands of Mournfell without heavy protective gear. Many unfortunate souls who wander in these suffocating spots get injured or potentially lost forever in its thick groves.

Shards on Xaoc are known to be useful when extracted in small doses for medicinal use and for fueling tools in multidimensional repair missions. However, prolonged inattention to shards that haphazardly clump together are dangerous, and can lead to the growth of what is locally known as “dereality meat”. Dereality meat spawns and multiplies at an alarming rate in Mournfell. Dereality meat feels and looks like a physical manifestation of decay and distortion that are revoltingly meshed together.

There are many stories shared around these far off islands mostly by expedition teams that are seeking a way to mitigate the slow encroachment of these mutations to residential areas. These include stories about hearing unidentified voices, eyewitnesses of fearsome amalgamated creatures, carnivorous plants with skeletal stems that loom over you threateningly, or empty pools of void waters that cause instantaneous bodily decay upon touch. Overall, it has been advised not to venture around these parts unless you have been fully equipped, trained, and tasked by the council to do so.



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