Comments on MYO Event 2023

Akuma974's Avatar

Image link:

Species: Xaeco

Rarity & Traits used:
-Floated Ornament (rare)
-Surreal Mouth (mythical)
-refular ear (common)
-droppy ear (common)
-Hooded furvest (rare)
-regular tail (common)
-Floating parts (sacred)

Link of artist/credits:

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2023-11-10 09:17:11

Admin's Avatar
Admin Staff Member

Hello! Your traits are correct, however, the only edit we would like to request is the missing window line through the chest and/or face. As seen from: - Once this is added, we can approve your submission. Thank you!

2023-11-10 11:04:49

Akuma974's Avatar

sorry I didn't notice that! here the new one, if i want to add jewelry later i can?

2023-11-10 13:51:44

ocularguts's Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

No problem at all, and yes you may add jewelry later if you would like. Approved & Uploaded: ! :]

2023-11-11 19:20:43