Comments on MYO Event 2023

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mirarasol's Avatar
mirarasol Staff Member

Hello, awesome design! :D You would just need a small adjustment on the poncho wings of the fullbody on the right. The poncho wings should be connected from the collarbones, like so: - Since right now they seem to look like they're connected from the back. It usually helps via a bit of the shoulder being covered over, such as - (left fullbody).

The Portal Form and everything else in the refsheet looks perfect!

2023-10-20 05:53:43

Thunder_Wolfie's Avatar

Oh of course sorry about that! The lines weren’t as visible in the end product with the hair covering hhh

Here’s the new one! I hope this is alright w

2023-10-20 13:57:18

ocularguts's Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

I excluded the Multiple Tails trait from the list as that counts for 3+ tails, but that aside, approved & uploaded: ! :-)

2023-10-20 18:45:32 (Edited 2023-10-20 18:47:37)