
Crowded Wings

Crowded Wings (Sacred)

Category: Skills
  • This trait is only applicable to Xaeco, Xatli, or Xulap.
  • For Xatli: This trait allows any amount of small furred or feathery wings generated only on the arms, legs, or tails. This can also replace the ears. However, this should never replace the mandatory and correct poncho wing anatomy.
  • For Xaeco: This trait allows functional wing growth anywhere and any amount on the body, and it must be furred. This can also replace the ears. Temporary blood wings generated from their bodily slits do not count as that is a basic species function.
  • For Xulap: This trait allows wings to be generated anywhere on the body, and texture must be the same as what the body's trait has. This should not replace fins.
  • If you would like your wings to have a bat or wyvern-like design, you would need the Sacred: Basilisk trait.
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