
Odd Feet (Mythical)

Category: Body
  • This trait only applies to Xaeco, Xatli, or Xopas. This allows the character's feet to deviate from its core species anatomy.
  • Each foot can have its own shape (noted below) and be mismatched with the other/s, or missing entirely (like a ghost/snake) in extra forms.
  • For Xaeco: The feet are shaped similar to a peg (sharp-pointed or blunted), hooves, bird feet, or hands with a thumb.
  • For Xatli: The feet are shaped similar to a peg (sharp-pointed or blunted), hooves, bird feet, or paws.
  • For Xopas: The feet are shaped to have individual digits, or are similar to paws, bird feet, or claws.
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