Live Site Clock:
25 October 2023, 13:05:58

11/13/2023: UPDATE NOTICE


🌟 This event is now officially CLOSED! All comments made before the deadline (closing comment) will still be processed, even if there will be requested admin edits. Thank you so much for participating, please give us a few days to process all submissions and requests. :) 🌟




🌺 Hello everybody, as part of celebrating the new website, Planet Xaoc will be holding a special MYO event starting September 23rd to November 12th of 2023 23:59:59 EST timezone (site clock above in this page, and site clock found on the footer anywhere)! Planet Xaoc's Terms of Service still applies: - Please be reminded that we are a R16+ website.

🌺 Participants are allowed to create one character design, and choose only one species. You may ask for help from others to design your character.

🌺 As for traits, there are no limits! You are welcome to use as many as you would like, using any rarity that you desire (including Anomaly) that is applicable to the species of your choice.

🌺 Please note that just like the website, this event is primarily managed by one person (Oats/ocularguts). I will try my best to give timely responses, but I would appreciate your patience and understanding when participating.




🌺 To get started, it is very important to read and follow these design guidelines:


 🌺 The anatomy pages describes the image REQUIREMENTS for masterlist, while the traits gallery will lead you to the DEFINITION and usage of available traits per species.

🌺 Please make sure all the traits you are using are visible on your submitted image! Colored sketches and backgrounds/non-transparent images are accepted as well.

🌺 Admin approvals will all be done here on this page! Please ensure to include the following  in your comment,

  • Image link:

  • Species:

  • Rarity & Traits used:

  • Link of artist/credits:

  • Shared on:

🌺 For "Rarity & Traits" section - please list them in FULL name, for example: (Common) Regular Furvest. This helps us approve your submission faster and easier.

🌺 For the "Shared On" section - this is to help get the word out! :) Participants are requested to share about Planet Xaoc, for example: a deviantart journal, a ToyHouse bulletin post, etc — using this MYO event page or the homepage link:

🌺 Please be open to corrections and feedback. As long as your submission comment is done on or before the deadline, I will work with you to get it approved! You are also welcome to ask any questions in the comments below. You may also request for design advice/suggestions from the admins or the community on our discord server.



Shaffee Avatar

Image link:

Species: Xatli

Rarity & Traits used:
-Cosmic scene (Myth)
-Circular scene (Common)
-Knife horns (Common)
-Frilly ears (Myth)
-Regular wings (Common)
-Split tail (Common)
-Embedded objects (Sacred)
-Rouge scene (Anomaly)
-Tendrils (Myth)
-Shimmer (Rare)

Link of artist/credits:

Shared on:

2023-10-23 07:13:39 (Edited 2023-10-23 07:14:39)

ocularguts Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

Approved & Uploaded: ! :-)

2023-10-23 11:42:25

Shaffee Avatar

Thank you sm!!!

2023-10-23 11:43:18

Kaijunaut Avatar

Image link:

Species: Xaeco

Rarity & Traits used:
Regular ears (has the 'crowded wing' trait however) [COMMON]
Regular tail (has both elemental and crowded limb trait) [COMMON]
Surreal Mouth [MYTHICAL]
Regular furvest [COMMON]
embedded object [SACRED]
crowded limbs (tail) [SACRED]
crowded wings (ears) [SACRED]
elemental (smoke, tail) [ANOMALY]
collide (chibi form) [ANOMALY]
xaoc infinitum [ANOMALY]

Link of artist/credits: (myself)

Shared on:

2023-10-21 18:35:17

mirarasol Avatar
mirarasol Staff Member

Hello! Wow, this is an absolutely wicked design! :D There is only a small edit needed - the embedded object trait is permanent, so it would need to be present in the chibi version as well (a simplified/really tiny version of the sword on the chest would suffice) - That aside, everything else looks perfect. :)

2023-10-21 18:54:52

Kaijunaut Avatar

Oh, whoops! sorry about that, how's this?

and tysm for the kind words waaaa!!

2023-10-21 19:13:10

Thunder_Wolfie Avatar

Image link:

Species: Xatli

Rarity & Traits used:
- Bull horns (common)
- Feathered kite ears (rare)
- Feathered wings (Mythical)
- Astro(sun) + Fury scene (Mythical)
- Shape tip(swirl) + Multiple tails (rare)

Link of artist/credits: (Me)

Shared on:

2023-10-20 02:48:44

mirarasol Avatar
mirarasol Staff Member

Hello, awesome design! :D You would just need a small adjustment on the poncho wings of the fullbody on the right. The poncho wings should be connected from the collarbones, like so: - Since right now they seem to look like they're connected from the back. It usually helps via a bit of the shoulder being covered over, such as - (left fullbody).

The Portal Form and everything else in the refsheet looks perfect!

2023-10-20 05:53:43

Thunder_Wolfie Avatar

Oh of course sorry about that! The lines weren’t as visible in the end product with the hair covering hhh

Here’s the new one! I hope this is alright w

2023-10-20 13:57:18

RigbyScar Avatar

Image link:

Species: Xatli

Rarity & Traits used:
Skewer Scene (sword)-Rare
Absent Horns-Mythical
Feathered Ears-Common
Feathered Wings-Mythical
Typical Tail-Common
Multiple Tails-Uncommon
Floating Parts (Wings)-Sacred
Elemental (shadow)-Anomaly

Link of artist/credits: (Me)

Shared on:

2023-10-18 15:56:49

ocularguts Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

Heya! Absolutely lovely design, everything seems perfect! :-) I think my only concern is the trait list, where there is floating parts in your comment but not in the image text list, nor the design. I will also remove (C) Typical Tail just to avoid redundancy, since you've already got Multiple Tails. 👍

Overall though, no problems with the design! Just thought I'd ask first if you want me to proceed nonetheless, re: removal of floating parts trait in the list. Unless you want to update your image link first?

Feel free to ask for clarifications if there are any! :-)

2023-10-19 13:11:51

RigbyScar Avatar

Oh darn, I forgot to remove the floating parts trait, I didn't end up using it. Oh quick question, in the traits list, as far as I understand, with the Elemental Anomaly you are able to use more than one element correct?

2023-10-19 13:57:47

Taz Avatar

Image link:

Species: xatli

Rarity & Traits used:

- goofy lips
- strato scene
- absent horns
- feathered kite ears
- frill ears
- ribbon wings
- fluffy wings
- kite wings
- messy tail
- shape tip tail
- spikes
- floating parts
- rogue scene
- collide
- elemental
- xaoc infinitum

Link of artist/credits: me, myself and i

Shared on: some discord servers! i didn’t make a whole ad for it but instead encouraged joining in general channels, does that count or should i make an ad that’s more “trackable”?

2023-10-17 10:03:19

ocularguts Avatar
ocularguts Staff Member

Heya! Everything looks good so far! May I ask what elemental material/s are they made of? So I can list it in their masterlist. :-)

And yes, an ad that is trackable (eg. link to a deviantart post, toyhouse bulletin, or similar) - is needed! Thank you!

2023-10-17 13:51:25

Taz Avatar

the elemental could be defined as perhaps “static magic”!

and heres a link to the bulletin jcwldkxm

2023-10-18 12:01:39

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